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Atlas, CEO emeritus
Atlas, our founder and CEO was with the firm his entire professional career. His involvement with clients focused around displacement of desk objects and team building. Atlas is a graduate of the Santa Barbara City Advanced Dog Obedience Program and was scheduled to repeat the program in its entirety multiple times. Weighing in at about 160 lbs, Atlas was a blue great dane. Blues are the rarest of great danes. Other than their coat, they are just like other danes - oversized lap dogs. Atlas hails from Victory Acres in Woodstock, GA. He was born on August 30, 1999 (and, yes, we celebrated with cake every year).
Atlas left us with our memories in early 2007. He lived large in every way imaginable and we all miss him.
Atlas was active in establishing and maintaining off-leash areas in Santa Barbara and Atlas's picture still adorns the poop bag stations in many parks. Since relocating to Seattle, Atlas has taken an interest in graffiti and has brought downtown residents together to remove it. His last clean up attacked about 250 blocks with 112 volunteers (see Seattle Paint Out). We think he was making up for that time he pooped on the floor at Bertlesmann Ventures and we never did tell him he was forgiven.
Atlas also did his part to help try to drive away drug dealers and keep Belltown livable by turning the downtown Regrade Park at 3rd and Bell into an off-leash area for all of his friends (see Seattle Times article). Atlas was the only non-service dog to enter Seattle's city hall when the city council awarded him for contributions in 2003. He has also received a commendation from the Seattle Police Department.
We expect to have another Atlas and can only hope that the next CEO will be able to follow in the paw prints before him!